What is KOPIPE Uploader?
KOPIPE Uploader is a file uploader that is free of charge, requires no registration, and accepts huge files.
You can share all kinds of files, including videos and images, with your friends and publish them to a large number of people.
How to use KOPIPE Uploader
When sending (uploading) files

- Tap or click to open the file selection screen, or drag and drop files onto the frame on your PC.
- (Option) You can also set password restrictions on downloads. To ensure that only those who know the password can download the file, enter the desired download password here.
- (Option) If you enter an optional password for deletion here, you will be able to delete the file at any time.
- Set the deadline for downloading the file.
- Press the button to send the file. It may take some time depending on the environment and file size, so please wait.

- When the upload is complete, the screen will change. The URL for others to download the file is the URL on this page. Pressing the green frame will copy the URL for downloading to your clipboard, so you can paste it into your e-mail or chat screen.

- This is an example of the download page when you set a password for downloading. Only those who have entered the password in the input field here can download.
- If you set a password for deletion when uploading, a delete icon will appear at the bottom of the download page. By clicking here and entering the password you set in the input field that appears, you can delete the file at any time without waiting for the download deadline.
Receiving (downloading) files
You will be given the download URL via SNS, email, bulletin board or something.
(Example of receiving the URL via chat)

When you access the URL, the page where you can download the file will be displayed. In some cases, the file may be password-protected, in which case you will need to provide the password along with the URL.
Features and Notes
- Both uploading and downloading are free of charge, as the service is operated mainly through advertising revenue.
- Files up to 256.0 GB are supported. Download time limits can be set from as little as 15 minutes up to 180 days (7 days for files larger than 700.0 MB).
- The URL issued exclusively for downloads is short and easy to paste on social networking sites or communicate verbally.
- The number of times the file has been downloaded is displayed on the download page.
- If an image is uploaded without a password, a thumbnail will appear on the download page. Also, if the image contains Exif information, clicking on the thumbnail will display the main Exif information.
- Files are not compressed, and can be downloaded as they were uploaded. Even if high-resolution images or videos are transferred, the image quality will not be degraded in any way.
- Passwords are encrypted and stored on the server. Therefore, even service operators and server administrators cannot peek at the password.